I mentioned in my profile that I paint interiors for a living. While I find decorative painting (faux finishes and murals) more entertaining for me, I usually end up painting more solid colors with roller and brush. The average homeowner isn't adventurous enough for that much drama and zing, which is not to say that there aren't plenty of dramatic solid wall colors. I've painted some really bold walls in red, purple, hot pink, turquoise, and even black, with some really exciting results. I have found that while I wouldn't live in many of these colors, I come to appreciate the value of every color I paint with. Like people, each one has their place in this world. :) My favorite thing about paint is the instant gratification of transforming a room in a minimal amount of time, and the cost is so unbelievably inexpensive. If I were a $3000 sofa, I would really resent that $30 gallon of paint for making a bigger statement than I could. :)
After painting entire homes, top to bottom, it is exceedingly rewarding to see the finished product. I just stand back and savor the transformation. Whenever I revisit these spaces, I always think to myself "Wow, did I really do all that by my little 'ol 5'2" self?"

When I do tackle the less physical, but more detailed projects, it's always a good time (and sometimes frustrating) when I can break out my brushes. I am truly in a happy zone with a brush in my hand.
While I'm not always keen on the color combinations, I truly enjoy the challenge of making it work for the client, because all that matters is that they're happy with it. I relish in the fact that they believe in my artistic abilities to produce the results they're looking for, and I don't take that opportunity for granted.
This mural was seriously fun to work on, though it took way way longer to finish than I would have liked. Sometimes I get carried away, with new ideas swirling in my brain, causing me to improvise mid-project. For the life of me, I can't find any before pictures of this, but just imagine a white strip of wall over a shower surround.
Needless to say, these large projects make painting my furniture pieces and objects a lot less daunting, since I have a short attention span and get bored easily. I'll post more before and afters in the days to come, to show more of my passion for paint!
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