Monday, February 25, 2013

Hollywood Regency Treasure

Happy Monday! 

Thought I'd share a recent gem from my treasure-hunting.

Isn't this fabulous?
A stellar 18" diameter
makes this a radiant focal point.
The stylized Fleur de lis design is stunning.
With all the detail and crevices,
I thought it would be a great
candidate for chalk paint,
but with so many other projects
and ideas waiting for my attention,
I opted to leave it alone, 
and sell it in its original form.
(I'm sure those who gravitate to Hollywood Regency
are thanking me for that.)

The clock is battery-operated and works,
but this would also make an
incredible accent mirror,
since the clock and glass are removable
I've seen a lot of Burwood and Syroco
gold wall accents, but more often than not,
they scream Rococo.Although I appreciate
that look, it's the symmetry of this piece
that won me over, and is now in my Etsy shop.

Projects are waiting, so off I go......



  1. Wow, very cool design to this clock!

  2. How do we connect to your Etsy shop?

    1. Hi SuzieQ! My Etsy shop link is at the top of my sidebar. Thank you for your interest! Maria

  3. wow that is some seriously gorgeous clock! always finding treasure me hearty!




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