
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur.......

I've been M.I.A. on the blog......Again, but when you pick up new painting and pet-sitting clients, 
and all at once, time has a way of getting away from you!

First up: My newest Kitty client, Trixie. 

Isn't her face fabulous!

This is her fainting couch.......adorable!

At my current painting gig, I am painting the entire 2 story house/condo, save for a couple of accent walls I painted there last summer. 

This client has a very elegant diva cat named Rafiki, which is Swahili for "friend", and yes, it is a character's name in The Lion King. An apt name, since her human
hails from South Africa. 
Rafiki is a British Blue, and she is truly
 the Queen of her jungle.......

Last, but by no means least, is Charlie. She and I have been keeping each other company for the last 6 weeks, while her human  is in Italy. Charlie and her mamma will be reunited on Friday, and I will miss Charlie kitty dearly. We've had a million wonderful moments together, and she's come a long way socially and doesn't even mind getting kissed and snuggled within an inch of her life.......

There's plenty more painting for me to do, before my schedule winds down, but hopefully I can get back into a creative rhythm to get more crafty projects completed!

Be sure to join me on Instagram, where I chime in more frequently with my latest projects!

TTFN, Maria


  1. I'm catching up on blogs.
    Didn't know you are a cat sitter. Love your kitties. Also didn't know you were a painter. Where have I been?? We are fortunate that our neighbor loves to baby sit our cats. She comes by once or twice a day and feeds and plays and all that.

    1. You've been where we've all been. your life outside the blogosphere...;-)


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