
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Aesthetics for the Snake Oil.....Vitamin Bottles

I entered the 50's club earlier this year, and one of the things that changed was the addition of supplements to my daily regimen. There are worse things........

I've never been a big fan of pill-popping, so I thought I'd turn it into an elegant ritual, rather than just an ugly necessity. I like to keep them in my bedroom, since I take them morning and bedtime. And since it is my policy to beautify anything in my view, the manufacturer's packaging had to go.

So I set out to change that. Here's what items I used for the project.........

Really old and yellowed dictionary pages, spice jars, waxed cording, rub-on letters, and Diamond Glaze.

I've had these interesting spice jars for quite a while. I sold most of them, but still had a few imperfect ones left, and have been wanting to play with them for a long time. Finally figured out what to use them for........

If memory serves, I was under the weather the day I made these,
so I believe I had a lot of time on my hands,
since I didn't feel like moving from the couch. Not only did I create a jar for my 
Vitamin B Complex, complete with a rub-on B, 
but I also only used "B" words from the dictionary, 
and "D" words fro the Vitamin D jar.
I just figured as long as I was going to the trouble of ripping pages, 
I might as well be picky about the words...:)

I wanted the paper strips to look worn, so I chose to tear them, rather than cut them with scissors. The pages were old enough that, with a metal ruler, they tore perfectly, leaving a subtle, soft edge. I then clipped some small vintage catalog pictures of clock faces, numbers, birdcage, and dial. I used the Diamond Glaze under everything as an adhesive and over as a sealant. It works just beautifully on glass.

I even added clock faces to the stopper tops.
Can you tell I like clocks?

I preferred to not look at the plastic stoppers lining the lids, so I tightly wrapped the waxed cording around the neck of the jar, which accentuated the vintage feel, and gave it a nice finished look.

The great thing is that I was rewarded, not just with a finished product, but also with a fun project. I love it when that happens.

P.S. I use the adorable antique rosary box to put my daily RX dosages in.

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Linking To:
shabby creek cottage

Saturday Nite Special link party via Funky Junk Interiors


  1. This is such a good idea. I especially like the idea of the cording to cover up the plastic stoppers. Good to see age hasn't diminished your creative powers!

  2. Maria, these are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  3. these are so cute i would love it if you could come and link them up at

    thanks aimee xxxxx

  4. How did I miss this post?! Luckily I came across one of your photos on pinterest which snapped me back to reality. You are brilliant in your crafty ways. These definitely will help the medicine go down.


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