
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Isn't she lovely....Isn't she wonderful.

My special treasure of the week. Acquired at the thrift store after a boring estate sale.

Stunning scroll design, gilt bronze or brass, with incredible punched details in the metal. 

Topaz colored gemstones, she's missing one chaton on the lid, which I think I can easily remedy with a search on Etsy.

Still has the chain attached for latch.

She's a precious, petite jewelry casket, measuring only 3" long by 2-1/4" wide, and has a sticker on the bottom "Made in Western Germany".

I really bought this with the intention of selling it, but I am admiring it more and more every day. It doesn't help that I can't find anything like it in my research so far, to establish a value. So until that day, she will mingle with my antique German alarm clocks, where she looks very much at home. :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lucky Unicorn

UPDATE: She sold on Ebay for $51. Yay me! Open those nondescript boxes Peeps. You never know what's hiding inside! 

I didn't hit any estate sales this weekend, but I was fortunate enough to acquire a nice little collectible from the thrift store. It truly pays to be inquisitive, since this item was inside its nondescript original box. 

Made by Corday, a company no longer in business, it is a solid perfume encased inside a wax seal stamp. Labeled as Fame, Signet de Corday, it also has the wax included.

The stamp design is a Unicorn, fenced in near a tree, and was never used, as evidenced by its original sticker still covering the stamp.

The very elegant handle has an amber gemstone on both sides. Isn't she beautiful?

Apparently, this particular Corday item is somewhat hard to find, making it quite sought after. I was unaware of its demand when I purchased it. I just thought it was cool-looking, so I bought it. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised when I got it home and researched it. I currently have it listed on Ebay, and it has amassed several watchers in just one day. Let the games begin!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Truffles and Acorns

This past weekend, while many lucky treasure-hunters in the PNW were experiencing eyegasms at the junking Nirvana that is Farm Chicks, I resorted to so-called estate sales close to home.

And while they were feasting in a forest teeming with truffles, I was subsisting on meager acorns. Out of four sales, this is what I came home with: 
If Barbara were grading this day using her apron score, she would grade it -4 aprons, for time spent in construction en route to sale, wayward child riding his scooter around me while I tried to shop, and the seller's lack of preparation (hardly had anything on display yet for me to look at, and was still carrying things out to price). And finally, while I waited for her to bring out more items, she would stop what she was doing every time her 8-ish son wanted to talk about whatever was on his mind at any given moment. Needless to say, waiting around yielded nothing else, and that is a half-hour of my life, and half a gallon of gas I will never get back.

Thankfully, my good ol' standby GW came through with a Hail Mary to save my low-scoring day. Though nothing to brag about, a few acorns is better than nothing.......

Hopefully next year I can make a pilgrimage to the Mecca in Spokane, 
so I can dine on truffles too..........